Stand for honest sports!

Spordivalvur is seeking your help with collecting information on any past or in-planning actions that are breaking the rules of honest sports. You can share the information with Spordivalvur either anonymously or with your name. Either way, the information will be dealt with confidentially.

If you spot any misconduct or violation or have any information regarding it, do not keep it to yourself – contact Spordivalvur instead. Any piece of information can prove to be crucial. You can also add documents and images to your message. It is only together that we can withhold damage to sports and athletes and stand for honest and ethical sports.

If you so wish, you can also directly contact the ESTCIS staff whose contact information is available on this page. The information that you share will be analysed for further action on this matter. You will definitely be updated on any further developments.

In case you do not wish to reveal your identity, you can leave a message anonymously. For those wishing to stay anonymous, we also have an additional measure – you can register as a user of our safe messaging service, after which you will receive a personal anonymous safety code. We can continue our communication by using the safety code. Save the safety code so you can return to your message for feedback and answer any additional questions Spordivalvur might have.

We presume that all information is given in good faith and that Spordivalvur will not be used maliciously.